I didn't know this: Mozilla Memes. Check it out.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Switching between TCO and non-TCO at runtime
Here's a fun idea, that should work in a language with fexprs, or an incremental/reactive macro expander. It relies on the property that EVAL evaluates the form in tail position. Tail-call optimization could be switched off and on during debugging for more useful stack traces, and even arbitrarily at runtime. The loss of useful stacktraces is not a non-issue, as witnessed by attempts at more useful stack traces in MIT Scheme and in SISC.
How it works: all expressions in tail position (e.g. the last expression of a BEGIN, the last expression in a lambda, the branches of an IF, ...) are automatically (by the parser or something) wrapped in a call to the operator TCOIFY:
(lambda () (foo) (bar)) becomes
(lambda () (foo) (tcoify (bar)))
(if (quux) (do-something) (do-something-else)) becomes
(if (quux) (tcoify (do-something)) (tcoify (do-something-else)))
Ordinarily, TCOIFY would be a fexpr that directly evaluates its argument, in tail position:
(def tcoify (vau (x) env (eval x env)))
When TCOIFY is defined thusly, (tcoify expr) is equal to expr for the purposes of TCO, because EVAL evaluates X in tail position.
For useful stack traces, one would define TCOIFY as a function. Argument evaluation needs to happen before application, so TCOIFY would prevent TCO:
(def tcoify (lambda (x) x))
By switching between the two definitions of TCOIFY at runtime, tail-call optimization can be turned on and off.
How it works: all expressions in tail position (e.g. the last expression of a BEGIN, the last expression in a lambda, the branches of an IF, ...) are automatically (by the parser or something) wrapped in a call to the operator TCOIFY:
(lambda () (foo) (bar)) becomes
(lambda () (foo) (tcoify (bar)))
(if (quux) (do-something) (do-something-else)) becomes
(if (quux) (tcoify (do-something)) (tcoify (do-something-else)))
Ordinarily, TCOIFY would be a fexpr that directly evaluates its argument, in tail position:
(def tcoify (vau (x) env (eval x env)))
When TCOIFY is defined thusly, (tcoify expr) is equal to expr for the purposes of TCO, because EVAL evaluates X in tail position.
For useful stack traces, one would define TCOIFY as a function. Argument evaluation needs to happen before application, so TCOIFY would prevent TCO:
(def tcoify (lambda (x) x))
By switching between the two definitions of TCOIFY at runtime, tail-call optimization can be turned on and off.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Delimited continuations do dynamic-wind
Oleg's argument against call/cc links to one of his lesser known posts, Delimited continuations do dynamic-wind. In it he first shows how to implement yielding generators in terms of delimited control, and then shows how such generators lead to a natural definition of dynamic-wind, in userland, whereas with undelimited continuations, dynamic-wind has to be primitive.
(This is not entirely true. Kernel can implement dynamic-wind in userland, too, by means of its guarded undelimited continuations. And in Scheme 48, dynamic-wind is also implemented in userland with undelimited continuations, albeit in terms of a slightly lower level API than call/cc. Same is true for other Schemes, such as MIT Scheme. And probably the earliest definition of dynamic-wind, in Embedding Continuations in Procedural Objects is also in userland, so I'm a bit confused actually, as to why Oleg considers dynamic-wind primitive...)
Back to Oleg's generators in terms of delimited control. While one may argue against first-class continuations, whether delimited or not, I think having them in the language is great for quickly prototyping different ideas, such as generators. This has always been a forte of Lisp, and so high-powered control flow operations seem a good fit for the language, even if their runtime cost may be slightly higher than a more specialized, native implementation of some specific control feature, such as generators.
The basic ideas of generators are: you have a block of code, the generator, which may either normally return a value by means of reaching the end of the block, or it may intermittently yield a value. To call a generator, we need a boundary around it, so we wrap it in a prompt with reset. Yielding suspends the generator, capturing its delimited continuation up to the prompt, and delivers the value and this continuation to the caller, outside the boundary. Value and continuation are wrapped up in a special record type, so the caller can distinguish yields from an ordinary return, which doesn't wrap the value in any way (and neither provides a continuation for resuming, obviously). (This could probably be handled more elegantly with Racket's abort handlers.)
In this Gist, I've commented Oleg's implementation of generators and dynamic-wind.
I think it's a great example of how simple it is to add specific control flow features to a language with general (delimited) continuations.
Oh, and in typical Oleg style, the article then goes on about how you can implement call/cc in terms of generators, which makes his dynamic-wind compatible with existing Scheme examples using call/cc.
(This is not entirely true. Kernel can implement dynamic-wind in userland, too, by means of its guarded undelimited continuations. And in Scheme 48, dynamic-wind is also implemented in userland with undelimited continuations, albeit in terms of a slightly lower level API than call/cc. Same is true for other Schemes, such as MIT Scheme. And probably the earliest definition of dynamic-wind, in Embedding Continuations in Procedural Objects is also in userland, so I'm a bit confused actually, as to why Oleg considers dynamic-wind primitive...)
Back to Oleg's generators in terms of delimited control. While one may argue against first-class continuations, whether delimited or not, I think having them in the language is great for quickly prototyping different ideas, such as generators. This has always been a forte of Lisp, and so high-powered control flow operations seem a good fit for the language, even if their runtime cost may be slightly higher than a more specialized, native implementation of some specific control feature, such as generators.
The basic ideas of generators are: you have a block of code, the generator, which may either normally return a value by means of reaching the end of the block, or it may intermittently yield a value. To call a generator, we need a boundary around it, so we wrap it in a prompt with reset. Yielding suspends the generator, capturing its delimited continuation up to the prompt, and delivers the value and this continuation to the caller, outside the boundary. Value and continuation are wrapped up in a special record type, so the caller can distinguish yields from an ordinary return, which doesn't wrap the value in any way (and neither provides a continuation for resuming, obviously). (This could probably be handled more elegantly with Racket's abort handlers.)
In this Gist, I've commented Oleg's implementation of generators and dynamic-wind.
I think it's a great example of how simple it is to add specific control flow features to a language with general (delimited) continuations.
Oh, and in typical Oleg style, the article then goes on about how you can implement call/cc in terms of generators, which makes his dynamic-wind compatible with existing Scheme examples using call/cc.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Scheme's missing ingredient: first-class type tags
I've always felt that Scheme does data and types wrong, but I couldn't really say what bothered me until yesterday. After all, R7RS now has define-record-type for creating disjoint types. But that ain't enuff!
In my new language, Wat, I've found a satisfying solution, inspired by Kernel's encapsulation types, but going beyond them slightly. There are two procedures:
In my new language, Wat, I've found a satisfying solution, inspired by Kernel's encapsulation types, but going beyond them slightly. There are two procedures:
- (make-type) returns a list of three elements: 1) a first-class type 2) a tagger function for tagging a value with that type, creating a tagged object and 3) an untagger function for extracting the value of tagged objects of that type.
- (type-of obj) returns the first-class type of an object. The crucial point is that type-of not only works for tagged objects of user-defined types created by make-type, but also for all built-in types. E.g. (type-of 12) will return the number first-class type.
This system has the benefits of Kernel's encapsulated types: only someone with access to the tagger function (capability) may create new instances of a type. Only someone with access to the untagger function may access the contents of tagged objects. So object contents are potentially fully encapsulated.
But at the same time, the fact that every object, including built-in ones, has a first-class type makes it possible to efficiently program generically. E.g. one may create Smalltalk-like dynamic dispatch by using the first-class types of objects as indexes into a virtual lookup table of a generic function. This is not possible in either Scheme or Kernel. In both languages, programming generically requires one to use a cascade of type predicates (e.g. number?).
Example in Wat:
Example in Wat:
; destructuringly bind the three elements ; returned by make-type (def (person-type person-tagger person-untagger) (make-type)) (define (make-person name email) (person-tagger (list name email))) ; untagger also performs a type check that ; person is in fact of type person (define (get-name person) (car (person-untagger person))) (define (get-email person) (cadr (person-untagger person))) (define p1 (make-person "Quux" "quux@example.com")) (get-name p1) --> "Quux" (get-email p1) --> "quux@example.com"
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Understanding metacontinuations for delimited control
Metacontinuations arise in some implementations of delimited control such as in A Monadic Framework for Delimited Continuations.
In addition to the usual continuation register K, an interpreter with metacontinuations has a metacontinuation register MK.
Initially, K points to an empty continuation KDone, and MK points to an empty metacontinuation MKDone:
When the ordinary continuation reaches KDone, we look at the metacontinuation: if it's MKDone, the program is finished and we return its result. Otherwise, we underflow the metacontinuation by reestablishing the next continuation segment as the current continuation and the next metacontinuation as the current metacontinuation.
In addition to the usual continuation register K, an interpreter with metacontinuations has a metacontinuation register MK.
Initially, K points to an empty continuation KDone, and MK points to an empty metacontinuation MKDone:

Ordinary computations influence only the continuation K - they push continuation frames while the metacontinuation MK stays the same:

Control operations such as pushing a prompt (continuation delimiter) influence the metacontinuation. A segment metacontinuation frame MKSeg stores the continuation segment at which the control effect occurred and a pointer to the next metacontinuation. A prompt metacontinuation frame MKPrompt remembers the prompt and points to the segment frame (the reason for splitting this operation into two metacontinuation frames is that it makes the code simpler; see the paper). MK now points to the prompt metaframe, and K points to a new empty continuation KDone:

Further non-control computations occur in the new continuation, while the metacontinuation stays the same, as before:

Further control operations push frames onto the metacontinuation, and create new empty continuations, as before:

When the ordinary continuation reaches KDone, we look at the metacontinuation: if it's MKDone, the program is finished and we return its result. Otherwise, we underflow the metacontinuation by reestablishing the next continuation segment as the current continuation and the next metacontinuation as the current metacontinuation.
An alternative API for continuations
Call/cc is the most well-known API for exposing first-class continuations to userland. But there is another API that's used in Scheme 48 and is also described in a paper by Feeley.
(continuation-capture f) --- calls f with the current continuation as argument. In contrast to call/cc, the continuation is not a procedure, but an opaque first-class object. (In Scheme 48, this is called primitive-cwcc.)
(continuation-graft k thunk) --- calls thunk in the continuation k. In contrast to call/cc, k doesn't receive a value computed in another continuation, but rather thunk's effect is performed in k. (Scheme 48: with-continuation.)
The implementation difference to call/cc is minimal, and expressing call/cc in terms of this API is simple:
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this API seems more powerful than call/cc. In the implementation of delimited dynamic binding in terms of continuation marks I'm working on, there is a need for fetching the marks of another continuation. With call/cc this is impossible, but with this API I can prepend a thunk to the continuation in question, then in this thunk fetch the continuation's marks, and then jump out of it again.
(continuation-capture f) --- calls f with the current continuation as argument. In contrast to call/cc, the continuation is not a procedure, but an opaque first-class object. (In Scheme 48, this is called primitive-cwcc.)
(continuation-graft k thunk) --- calls thunk in the continuation k. In contrast to call/cc, k doesn't receive a value computed in another continuation, but rather thunk's effect is performed in k. (Scheme 48: with-continuation.)
The implementation difference to call/cc is minimal, and expressing call/cc in terms of this API is simple:
(define (call/cc f) (continuation-capture (lambda (k) (f (lambda (val) (continuation-graft k (lambda () val)))))))
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but this API seems more powerful than call/cc. In the implementation of delimited dynamic binding in terms of continuation marks I'm working on, there is a need for fetching the marks of another continuation. With call/cc this is impossible, but with this API I can prepend a thunk to the continuation in question, then in this thunk fetch the continuation's marks, and then jump out of it again.
Continuation marks
Continuation marks are a mechanism for attaching key-value data to continuation frames. There are two primitives:
(call/cm key value thunk) --- calls thunk with a new continuation mark binding key to value. If the current innermost continuation frame already has a mark with that key, it is overwritten.
(current-marks key) --- returns the list of values of current marks with the given key, from innermost to outermost continuation frame.
(call/cm 'foo 12 (lambda () (current-marks 'foo))) ---> (12)
So, continuation marks are an obvious mechanism for implementing dynamic binding. That duplicate marks on the same frame overwrite each other makes them play nice with TCO.
I've implemented CMs in the Kernel implementation I'm currently playing with. Every continuation frame has a marks dictionary mapping keys to values. Current-marks walks the continuation chain in the obvious way, collecting matching marks into a list. Call/cm clones the current continuation frame (including the marks dictionary) and updates the binding for the given key. I'm not entirely sure if that's the correct way to implement CMs, but it seems so.
I'm currently trying to implement delimited dynamic binding on top of continuation marks (using the metacontinuation approach from A Monadic Framework), but this seems slightly above my pay grade.
(call/cm key value thunk) --- calls thunk with a new continuation mark binding key to value. If the current innermost continuation frame already has a mark with that key, it is overwritten.
(current-marks key) --- returns the list of values of current marks with the given key, from innermost to outermost continuation frame.
(call/cm 'foo 12 (lambda () (current-marks 'foo))) ---> (12)
So, continuation marks are an obvious mechanism for implementing dynamic binding. That duplicate marks on the same frame overwrite each other makes them play nice with TCO.
I've implemented CMs in the Kernel implementation I'm currently playing with. Every continuation frame has a marks dictionary mapping keys to values. Current-marks walks the continuation chain in the obvious way, collecting matching marks into a list. Call/cm clones the current continuation frame (including the marks dictionary) and updates the binding for the given key. I'm not entirely sure if that's the correct way to implement CMs, but it seems so.
I'm currently trying to implement delimited dynamic binding on top of continuation marks (using the metacontinuation approach from A Monadic Framework), but this seems slightly above my pay grade.
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